17yr F with Post infections Transverse Myelitis with residual bladder incontinence
Diagnosis : Transverse myelitis Chief complaints and Hopi: C/o mumps 15 days ago, C/O fever 3 days ago, C/O bilateral lower limb weakness since 2 days C/O difficulty in voiding since 2days HOPI:- Here is a 17-year-old female child, developmentally normal, with history of mumps 15 days ago, subsided now. Complaints of fever, 1 episode, 3 days ago, low grade, and relieved on taking medications. Complaints of bilateral lower limb weakness since 2 days, sudden in onset, unable to walk since 2 days, but can lift both legs. C/o bladder retention since 2days No h/o back pain Birth History: Antenatal-Uneventful, Natal-LSCS/Baby Cried Immediately After Birth/ Birth Weight-3.5 Kg/Term. Postnatal-No NICU Admission. Developmental History: All milestones are attained appropriate to age. Past History : No history of any previous admission. Family History : NCM,No history of stroke in the family. Immunization history: last vaccine taken at ...