Transverse Myelitis ,24yr Male - Case presentation

Chief complaints:-
A 24yr male who is a agricultural labourer came with complaints of Weakness of All limbs ( LL > UL ) , Urinary retention since 3 days.
HOPI:- Patient is apparently asymptomatic 3 days back when he woke up at early morning 6am noticed weakness & Numbness in all limbs ( Lower limbs > upper limbs) due to which he is unable to roll or sit or get down the bed by himself so called his father for help. With 2 people support he's able to walk for few metres .He also notice weakness in upper limbs however he is able to do his activities with mild difficult.H/o Lower abdominal fullness and difficulty in passing urine. Pt is able to perceive sensation of bladder stones but unable to pass urine for which he visited a local hospital and got catheterised following which urine drained.
H/o fever 2 weeks back , moderate grade lasted for 2days subsided by taking OTC Medication.
H/o Tight band like sensation above the level of nipples.
H/o constipation from 2days however passing flatus.

No h/o fluctuations in weakness 
No h/o weight loss, decreased appetite, night sweats. ( TB )
No h/o vision blurring, vomiting ( NMO )
No h/o Altered sensorium, seizures (ADEM)
No h/o recent vaccination. 
No h/o trauma.
No h/o oral ulcers, dry mouth  Behcets)
No h/o of rash on Face ( SLE ) 
No h/o dry cough, SOB ( Sarcoidosis)

No significant past history
No h/o Animal bite/ vaccination
No h/o blood transfusion

No h/o similar complaints in family members

Diet- vegetarian , Takes egg🥚
Sleep- Adequate
No addictions /high risk behaviour

A 24 yr old male with out any pre existing comorbidity developed Acute progressive Quadriparesis ( LL > UL ) UMN type associated with decreased pain, Temp, vibration & joint position sensation below the level of T4 & feels a band like sensation at this level along with bladder & bowel involvement without HMF or cranial nerve involvement.

Anatomical structures:-
Posterior column
Spinothalamic tract 
Corticospinal tract
Autonomous fibres.
Probably spinal cord at cervical level.

Pt is conscious/ alert/ cooperative
Facies- Normal
Built- moderate
Nutrition- BMI- 30kg/m2
Decibitus- Legs extended at Hip, knee & plantar flexed
PICCLE - Absent
PR- 86bpm, regular, normal volume, no radio radial or radio femoral delay
BP- 130/80mmhg in supine
RR- 16cpm, Thoraco abdominal type
Temp- 98.6f
No engorged neck veins/ enlarged neck glands/ no oral ulcers / no neuro cutaneous markers
Cranium & spine normal, No vertebral tenderness noted.
Pt is rt handed 
GCS- 15/15
Conscious/ well Oriented to time place & person.
Memory- Immediate, recent, remote intact.
Speech- Normal


Muscle bulk preseved in all limbs.
No fasciculations/ wasting seen.
Pt lying supine position with attitude of both lower limbs extended at Hip , knee & flexed at ankle
Both arms placed at sides 

According to modified ashworth scale
Normal in U/L
Grade 1 Spasticity in L/L

UPPER LIMB:- 4+/5 4+/5

LOWER LIMB:- 3/5. 3/5

                  Rt. Lt
B. 3+. 3+
T. 3+. 3+
S. 3+. 3+
K. 3+. 3+
A. 3+. 3+
PLANTAR B/L extensor

spino thalamic
Crude touch,Pain,Temperature
She feels burning sensation below xiphisternum to feet & can't perceive any other 

Fine touch, Vibration,Proprioception- Decreased from C3 level to down.

no nystagmus, giddiness, FNF- normal
HKT- couldn't be tested

GAIT- couldn't be tested since even with 2 people support she couldn't walk & has her both legs stiff


Functional Diagnosis:- An young male with Acute progressive Quadriparesis , UMN type with sensory both large & small fibre, CST at Upper cervical cord level with bladder & bowel involvement without HMF,CN, Involvement.

Anatomical Diagnosis:-
Quadriparesis with B&B # 
S/o Spinal cord #

Brisk DTR's with B/L Extensor plantars - Corticospinal tract #

Impaired proprioception & vibration, pain & temp below C3 level:- Large fibre & small fibre involvement.

Pathological diagnosis:-
Acute rapidly progressive nature- probably Demyelination, vascular 

Etiological diagnosis:-
TB,Post infectious,
Less likely - B12, Cu & Vit E def.

Resting tachycardia, abnormal sweating absent

CVS:- Apex beat in left 6th ICA 1cm medical to mid clavicular line
S1S2 heard no murmers
No raised jvp, engorged veins
Bae+, Nvbs, No added sounds
Soft, non tender, no organomegaly

With the above history I would like to localize the lesion to Dorsal spinal cord at the level of T4 since it started acutely & involving most of the tracts probably Non compressive myelopathy.

Demyelinating ( MS / NMOSD )
Vitamin Deficiency - B12
Para infectious

MRI Cspine with WSS with contrast with brain and Optic nerve screening - LETM ( Cervical ,thoracic cord involvement with enhancement with Normal Brain & Optic Nerves)

Pluse steroids 1gm in 250ml NS over 4hrs for 5days.
Pt's LL power improved from 3/5 to 4/5 & discharged with Oral steroids 1mg/kg & advised to review after 2 weeks.

Every 2 week's Tapering steroids by 10mg

Bladder function isn't attained even after 2mnths of discharge so he's placed on silicon foleys Catheter.

He complained of Spasticity & tightness in limbs so T.Oxetol 150mg 1----0----1  is added & later escalated to 300mg BD, Since it persisted Propranolol 40mg is added along with Gabapin NT 100/10 BD

Patient couldn't void spontaneously so he's placed on Silicon Foleys Catheter.

With above Rx now patient is voiding Once in 2hrs , Prior he used to void hrly twice.

On review pt developed Eczematous lesion over Dorsum of hands & feet ( Mostly Not related to Drugs)
Stopped Steroids & Continued Oxetol, Gabapentin, Propranolol.
Voiding trial failed he's unable to hold the urine & passing immediately when he feels sense of urgency.


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